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Disgraceful Kids Caught Playing on Bikes

It was brought to the attention of Kings Hillian residents yesterday, on the eve of what is bound to be a chilling Halloween, that local kids have been out playing. Bare footed.

Example bike left against a wall similar to Kings Hill

A resident posted breaking news on social media to alert nearby residents that a ruthless gang of children, had been caught on CCTV playing on bikes, leaving them neatly up against a wall and returning a couple of hours later to collect them, riding peacefully off in to the darkness like a bunch of savages that they are.

"I can't believe it. They must be from the airfield estate. The kids from our development should be loitering outside Asda, or dropping pizza boxes around the circled bench near Costa. It wouldn't go a miss for the odd glass bottle to be thrown off a roof but not this, not on our estate. Something has to change" said C.Womble, a local.

On the CCTV footage, the 'animals' could be seen visiting a nearby female friend, recklessly positioning their bicycles WITHOUT FOOTWEAR, against an innocent brick wall.

The outcry is thought to have spread across the development of Kings Hill as this sort of behaviour just isn't usually present. A typical evening would usually consist of somebodies Ring Doorbell capturing a knock-down-ginger contestant, a youth stealing garden ornaments, a ramble of teens throwing bottles and rubbish around the public areas of Costa & Asda, or, ripping up trees for fun. Never in the time of residential social uproar have we seen such innocence amongst youngsters, which means there must be something ultra-sinister from their behaviour.

Windy, the local PCSO has a clear description of the children thanks to the hero whistleblower, as well as being tipped off that one parent has already disclosed themselves shamefully on the local facebook page. The remainder of the children shall be tracked down, and interviewed in a dark room, with bright torches until they disclose the ulterior motive of their good innocent behaviour. If that doesn't work, their iPhones will be forcefully reduced to 1% battery with no wi-fi until they spill the beans.

Be warned. Be afraid. The Kings Hillian folk have had enough of this shit!

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