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Virgin Upper Class Partners with Waitrose

After recent events at a nearby Waitrose car park, it has now been confirmed that disabled car parking spaces will be replaced by 'Upper Class' bays, in a joint venture between Waitrose and Virgin Atlantic.

Residents were quick to make judgement on one founding member of 'Waitrose Upper Class' this morning as, their UC Badge had arrived in the post, yet the bays had not yet been re-painted, causing controversy amongst residents and fellow shoppers.

"The Upper Class sign was in the process of going up, and the bays, although due to be painted yesterday have been put back until Friday, as Dickie Branston hasn't signed of the purchase order for B&Q yet" said a Virgin parking manager Tarquin Farquar.

The parking bays will have the unique Virgin Upper Class herringbone layout, which is widely recognised across Upper Class folk as a trademark in luxury. The drive in/out process will actually be easier, and more efficient. It's environmentally friendly too as, simply driving in to a space reduces carbon emissions by 0.005% as one extra point turn will be obsolete. It's pure genius mixed with luxury, it's so Virgin.

It is encouraged to be mindful of the UC Parking members that are already parking as per the membership guides, as the painting of bays will in fact be completed by the weekend.

If you'd like to join the scheme, it'll cost just £3000 a year with auto-renewal features enabled to save you having to cancel it ever again, and you can simply apply via the local franchisee at

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