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Does your Waste Team Like You?

Residents of Kings Hill have been discussing on social media today, whether the new system TMBC's Waste Team have come up with is a good thing or not?

"Do we like you or not"

The bin men (errm, I mean, Environmental Waste Engineers) don't often get to use social media to interact with their customers, and have become aware that their service often gets criticised online.

In a bid to inform residents whether the waste team like you or not, they have come up with an ingenious way to replace the like, love or angry button we've all become accustomed to.

"It's quite simple really" said Micky Pearce, one of the Waste Team leaders.

"If we like you, we take the bin and empty it. If we love you, we even take spare sacks from the roadside but, if for any reason we dislike you, we'll leave some rubbish behind or even the whole damn bin even if the lid barely closes hahaha!!" laughed Micky.

Residents are franticly questioning themselves "what have I done to upset them"? asked one local lady.

"just because the bin wasting closing shit properly". (Ques coo fucking say!?)

The bin isn't shitting properly? I'm pretty certain, the bin's aren't supposed to shit but if yours does, then I'm guessing the waste team turned up, spotted your bin with its cacks down laying a cable and thought "WTF!? Let's get out of here".

Anyone else seen a bin with bungles finger popping out the bottom of it?

We'd certainly be interested in that for a story!

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