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Half Way Resting Bench

Many home owners on Kings Hill have suddenly realised that after buying their properties, the drive way is at the rear of the house.

"I didn't even notice when we looked around, or got the deeds, or parked our cars for the first time" Said Arthur Fucksake, local home owner on Kings Hill.

"Entering via the back door just makes the experience a little more uncomfortable, tight, and often smelly" said Mr Fucksake.

Residents have taken it upon themselves to avoid a back passage entrance, by commandeering sections of the main roads as their 'would be parking space'. The walk is shorter to the front door, with somewhat a more warmer and welcoming entrance to that of the rear.

In a bid to relieve residents from the strenuous walks from 'car to door', Liberty Property Trust has began to install a half-way resting bench between 'car and door.'

Residents are encouraged to take appropriate rest on the new benches, before continuing on with their journey to front door.

It is a trial, so the more people use the bench, the more will be installed around over mis-used roads from lazy parkers.

Is your road in need of a half-way resting Bench?

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