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'KingsHillPoly' Board Game for Xmas Anyone?

If you dread getting sent to Asda, paying for shutters or plumbing - this is the ultimate game for any Kings Hillian to argue and fall out over with family this Xmas.

'KingsHillPoly' is a marvellous take on real Kings Hillian life where others from outside the area can play along, whilst imagining they too are a superior, upper class Kings Hillian.

Show off to loved ones when you land yourself a Shoesmith Lane or Bancroft property, brag in style when you get yourself free parking in Milton Lane, or win $200 Waitrose Vouchers on your way back from Asda.

Missed a few hours of your day? Ah. That'll be because you wound yourself up in Costa. All that nattering is hard work!

"Fuck sake! I've just been quoted 10% more for my gardening than my mate in Snodland" ah. That'll be because you landed on Kings Hill Tax.

"You toss pot!" could be screamed all too often, if one falls asleep on the commuter train all the way to Ashford, as $200 on a taxi ride back to ALS Cars is required!

Having a family day this Xmas? Get out 'KingsHillPoly' and let us know how it goes!

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