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Don't be a pikey, get yourself some Shutters!

Phase 4 of Kings Hill is said to be producing a Restrictive Covenants on all new home sales, as of January 2019.

"No home on Kings Hill shall be allowed to let the side down by having basic blinds, curtains or god forbid FUCKING NET CURTAINS!" Said local resident Lord Samoney. 

Lord Samoney who resides in a secret gated plot within Kings Hill, along with fellow disgruntled residents on the normal streets all agreed, that nobody should have to be forced into the expense of white shutters by their wives unless EVERYBODY does it. It's all for one or not at all.

A petition was passed to Tom Bluehat the local MP last month, who recently delivered it to parliament for approval. 

We are pleased to announce that Liberty Property Trust, have listened to the petition via parliament, and agreed with Bellway, Crest and Taylor Wimpey that all homes will be priced to include white shutters or, include a restrictive covenant that under no circumstances a window shall exist without properly being dressed in white mdf lacquered shutters with a café style feel about them.

We would urge all existing residents to take note, as a retrospective agreement is currently being drafted as we understand, after seeing a leaked poster campaign earlier today (enclosed) entitled as the 'dont be a pikey' campaign. 

Residents with net curtains especially may want to start saving, or consider moving off site.

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