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Dhansak gets Ransacked!

A mere 24hrs passed since the closing of Kings Hill’s much loved/hated Indian restaurant The Gufaa, with a full blow polling vote taking place to decide what’s best to replace it, and as quick as you can say “someone’s ransaked my dhansak” it’s open again!

Residents in favour of the “Gufaa Remain Club” were pretty much ALL eating curry this evening with lashings of hysterical & joyful tears over their Naan breads. 

Whilst Gufaa Leavers were quoted as ‘I couldn’t really give a shit’ that uncannily couldn’t be further opposite to what happened from one diner, as a heart warming moment occurred between opposing sides. 

“Excuse me miss, I think you’ve just sharted “ said a young man to a lady diner who was walking from the Gufaa to the car park. 

“Here, take my jumper and wear it round your waist, then nobody will see the shit stains - I’ve got curry lovers in my family, it’s all good”.

Whoever the mystery young man is, we’d like to congratulate him on being a gentleman and praise his parents for bringing him up right. Even though he may not be a fan of the Gufaa, and some young men around here loiter themselves and their empty dominos boxes, he was gentleman enough to help this diner. 

Well done that young man!

Overall, it’s nice to see a business survive and people are not out of work. Hopefully critique can be taken on board.

Meanwhile a public warning has been issued for any Asda or Waitrose clientele tomorrow as the aisles could be a little pongey to say the least. 

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