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Silence! Thou Shall Not Critique in Public!

Guffa Fan Club

[Above: Guffa Fan Club protest against bad critique.]

A mixture of joy and sadness made it's way to social media pages across West Malling earlier today, as news broke that 'The Guffa' has been closed down.

Previous patrons were pleased at the news having experienced poor service, grubby food, gut-rot and no apologies for it, whilst others are deeply upset since only experiencing good food with the experience frequently washed into oblivion with 20 units upstairs late into the early hours.

The contrast of opinions has brought back reminiscences of Remainers vs Leavers, where those who disagree have gathered together to portray their disgust at the public critique. The division is real.

A group has formed from both sides already, with it's lead member leaving the social media page in utter disgust.

"How dare you critique publicly. How dare you voice your opinion of having such shitty dirty food in-line with it's official hygiene rating! I've only ever had good food so you must ALLLLLLL be wrong! That's it I'm leaving" one lead member of the Guffa Fan club said.

Whilst others were quick to agree, the opposites were equally fast to disagree.

"It's filth. Bring me a Hooters. Now" said one Guffa Leaver's member.

Residents are now taking a poll on what should, or could replace the Guffa.

Our genuine thoughts go out to those no longer employed. Our advice would be to begin a barista course urgently.

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