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Police Remove a Family from Kings Hill

Ugly scenes were apparent earlier this afternoon shortly after #GuffaGate erupted, as one lady admittedly publicly that she drives a 'Vauxhall'.

"This is Kings Hill! Have you not checked your strict covenants from when you moved in!?" cried one resident.

Of course, they were referring to the strict rules that nothing less than a German/Italian or High Valued British car should be driven across the block paving streets of Kings Hill.

Shortly after, the 'Vauxhall Police' arrived to remove the lady and her family members away from Kings Hill.

One neighbour reported "It was horrible. She was kicking and screaming saying she didn't want to leave. She said it was only temporary whilst her credit report settles and she'll be off to Mercedes".

As concerned onlookers gasped, and moved on to Costa Coffee II to discuss it, it was confirmed the resident and her family have been housed temporarily in nearby Snodland until she can prove the car is indeed just a temporary measure.

We haven't managed to speak to the lady yet, but she's assured us via a friend that although she doesn't feel entirely safe in Snodland, it's not too bad and there is a Marks' BP garage there which is nice.

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