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We're Almost There! #HappySeason

A Happy 1st of October to everyone on Kings Hill, and all those from surrounding areas that drop kids off for a few hours to run like wildebeests heading to water.

We're 30 days away from HALLOWEEN!

The day on Kings Hill which mostly erases all previous moans, groans, whinging and whining that we voice on social media.

Not a single mention of shit parking, bell ends speeding or some dick head just cut me up on the roundabout!

It's the day which all previous episodes of kids ripping up trees, pulling down Asda sleepers and littering Domino's pizza boxes is ALL FORGOTTEN, as praise and appreciation sweeps the Kingdom known as Kings Hill. What a day Halloween is.

"I just wanna say, what a lovely place we all live"

"I'm proud to live here, the decorations are lovely and people have been so kind to my children whilst trick or treating".

...are just some of the predicted positive comments to follow later this month, and so they should!

For we do live in a lovely place, and we ARE a lovely bunch of people, not just at Halloween, but all year round. We have got great kids, we have got great parents, we have got fantastic facilities and shops, so lest we forget!

(We've also got a few residents practising twaterry all year round but hey ho. No Kingdom is perfect!)

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