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Animal Rights set for March on the Hill

Animal rights activists have announced a protest march around Liberty Square this weekend, to protest against cruelty to flies.

"A murderous killing spree is underway on Kings Hill and nobody is doing anything about it!" said Jemima Dogooder, leader of the protest.

It is alleged that zappers and smelly traps are being laid to catch flies, with some residents claiming to have caught over 200 flies in just 2 days. It is these residents in particular that Jemima states she will target legally after the protest march.

"I have sought legal advice, and have good reason to believe we have sufficient evidence to put those that are harming flies bang to rights!" claimed a legal spokesperson.

It has been leaked that those who have ever said the phrase "I'd never hurt a fly" should be particularly worried.

We also have reports that some gangs of fly killers have been posing as tennis players in the communal courts, appearing to be swinging bats aimlessly at nothing. These are actually fly killers, using the infamous Tennis Racket zappers.

More to follow.

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