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Spitfire Day Care Announced

As a mix of critique continues with the newly refurbed Spitfire Pub on Kings Hill, the management seem to be taking on board every bit of advice to improve the clientele's experience.

Staff behind the bar is just one of the new additions that the landlord has recently added in order to reduce waiting time complaints as an example.

At the weekend just passed, a trial run was deemed a success where patrons could leave their children to run free without supervision, allowing for that all important 'adult time' with friends.

"It was brilliant! I didn't even need to check on my child once throughout the afternoon. Usually my little one needs a pee as soon as I sit down for a meal, but not this time. I just let them run through the pub on their own and piss on the toilet seats by themselves." said Cindy Lambrini. "I think even the other customers enjoyed the children's freedom too. One couple starred at my children for over 4 minutes which was brilliant. I can never get passed 45 seconds in a stare-off, but my kids loved it." said one of the Dads, Barry Morrietti.

However, local rivals Costa Coffee and Asda are not so welcoming to the news.

"We've often catered for this sort of added service" said one of the two Costa Branch Managers. "Customers just want to relax and usually that means getting the little ones out of sight for half an hour or so to play a game of 'run round the table like a bloody lunatic' which is a firm favourite around hot drinks.

Asda supervisor Terry stated "We already have a designated area for parents to publicly tell their children off, near the Yogurts. However I feel with more free roaming children in the Spitfire as well as Costa, it could overload our capacity. We caught someone last week that yanked their Childs arm, spat in their face during a telling off, all of which was in the BWS aisle. That's not the correct place!"

Have you used the new Day Care services at the Spitfire? Have you seen anyone tell their child off in the wrong Asda Aisle? We'd love to hear from you.

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