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28-1 Winner in the Eventful Kings Hill Steeplechase of 2018

A small but enthusiastic crowd welcomed the runners from earlier today in the first annual Kings Hill Steeplechase, taken place on Prince Roderick Emu Charles Avenue. 

The new road which is purpose built with extraordinary high block pavers, makes the perfect track for such a prestigious fence jump race. 

Mr McCririck who was kind enough to perform the commentary live from a the top of the Rolex building by way of megafone (Official Race timings of course, sponsored by Rolex), said "I was honoured to provide commentary for the steeplechase of Kings Hill, it was an eventful race I'll not forget in a long time". 

Without further ado, the full transcript of commentary from the race that you've all been waiting for:-

"What a glorious day here as all the racers and riders gather together as the race starters try to get things underway here. Unfortunately one of the main hopefuls of the race, Grot Bags Quest is a no show today but much to spectators surprise, the historically lesser spotted Paige Pagerson who weighed in at last knockings DOES race today with a last moment change of outfit. Paige is in the green stained yellow and blue jersey number 1510.

Apologies to race fans as Tom Petty is classed as a Non Runner today for arriving late.

Lewis Shamilton seems to be raring to go who's not taken his eyes off the track whilst other riders are struggling to face the right way. Emu's Summit seem's to be giving Rod Rum some grief at the back there with a bit of pecking, and Trust Liberty seems to be sitting on it's hind legs rather stubbornly but we're not sure how long race starters are prepared to wait, and; WE'RE OFF!!!

It's joint favourite Lewis Shamilton who gets away first, shortly followed by Pineau de Perree, Tommy Tuggy somewhat an outsider gets a good start in 3rd, it's Rod Rum in 4th with Emu's Summit immediately behind in 5th; who still seems to be pecking. Kuipers Ukulele in 6th, Driving Shepherd in 7th riding very carefully alongside Newport Pagnell & Paige Pagerson, next it's Karen Oddie and Future Boy; Race favourite that brings up the rear with Vicar of Kingsley after a somewhat a kerfuffling start as Oddie seemed to be telling Future Boy to use some kind of supersonic/ballistic 'Ludicrous' start mode which in all the confusion caused the race to start amidst the bickering of who knows best. Trust Liberty has also failed to start, still sitting on it's arse and doesn't look like it's budging any time soon.

Shamilton still leads as Pineau de Perree maintains pace but Tommy Tuggy seems to have pulled himself off and is out of the race. It's Rod Rum that moves up into 3rd place.

Emu's Summit follows closely behind in 4th with Kuipers Ukulele edging closer in 5th. 

As we approach the first fence all riders safely make it over albeit with a bit of hustle and bustle much to the disappointment of Driving Shepherd who took a knock there and dropped back a few places to 8th.

With a slight change in order in between others, it's now Oddie getting a gallop on who flew over the first jump and landed straight into 6th, with Newport Pagnell 7th, Paige Pagerson back in 9th and Vicar of Kingsley in 10th.

Where on earth is Future Boy! He's still on the starting line raging! No wait, he's off, he's off, he's off!!

Future Boy accelerates at a freak like speed instantly smashing through the first fence and leaping into the lead - what the f*cking f*ck was that!! Future Boy is leading the race with 3 furlongs ahead of Shamilton, who looks absolutely disgusted with Future Boy and takes a wide line around the first roundabout allowing Pineau de Perree to take him on the inside, beautiful move! Pineau now in 2nd, Shamilton 3rd and Rod Rum in 4th with Emu's Summit still on his tail in 5th. 

As we approach the 2nd fence of pavers the middle pack looks too close for comfort, a leap over and it's collisions! Kuipers Ukulele is down, with a torn string - hopefully it's minor but it certainly sounded like an 'F Major', as Driving Shepherd is caught up in a knock for the 2nd time and pulls over to aid Ukulele; a show of sportsmanship here today! 

Paige Pagerson moves up one as she takes Newport Pagnell on the jump, closely followed by Karen Oddie making some good pace, many thought she'd run out of puff by now, we'll test her after the race! 

It's Vicar of Kingsley making a polite gallop at the rear, not seeming to be a threat to anyone's position. 

DRAMA!! Joint favourite Future Boy has pulled up at fence 3, he's run out of charge after such a fantastic burst of speed, did he bolt too soon? It's Pineau de Perree that takes the lead with the next roundabout approaching, closely followed by Rod Rum who took Shamilton during the excitement of Future Boy's demise. What's this? It's Paige Pagerson in 4th, she's appeared like a ghost out of nowhere as slightly behind is Karen Oddie in 5th who seemingly sticks two fingers up at Future Boy on the way past, and its' Newport Pagnell in last position. Vicar of Kingsley has refused at fence 3, who seems to have muttered 'f*ck this I'm off for a pint at the Spitfire'.

It's a 6 horse race.

Pineau de Perree in 1st, Rod Rum 2nd, Lewis Shamilton 3rd, Paige Pagerson 4th, Karen Oddie 5th and Newport Pagnell in 6th.

The last and final fence is approaching, the Chair, on a tricky chicane with the highest of block pavers in the course. Pineau de Perree scuffs the jump and stays on, but is taken by Rod Rum. Rod Rum leads with Pineau de Perree marginally behind in 2nd. Paige Pagerson tries to take Shamilton on the outside but he's having none of it. Paige is closed out and runs into the fence, breaking through and straight into the crowd. It appears to be a mask that half hangs away from the green underneath silhouette as she runs off in a hysterical panic. Back to the race it's Shamilton still holding on to 3rd with now Karen Oddie and Newport Pagnell rubbing alongside each other, as steam generates from the heat of the friction of the hot, sweaty, moist chammy leather-like skin of the two riders. It's a 5 horse race as we approach the final 3 furlongs to the finish line. 

It's neck and neck with Pineau de Perree and Rod Rum as they swap positions, as does Karen Oddie & Newport Pagnell in 4th and 5th with Shamilton stuck in the middle rather awkwardly in 3rd. 

The crowd begin to step up in volume as there's just 2 final furlongs to go, Rod Rum edges forward again into 1st with Pineau de Perree not giving up the fight, it looks like Shamilton is a dead cert for a podium finish in 3rd no matter as Karen Oddie and Newport Pagnell slow things down in 4th and 5th.

It's neck and neck still with 1 furlong to go, the crowd are cheering, it's all very loud as Rod Rum gets his sights set for a well deserved win after such a long period of unappreciated efforts, it's going to be his moment, a moment of glory and triumph as NOOOOOOO!!!! Pineau de Perree makes a last moment effort to close the gap, surely not, this is going to be close, this could be cruel, yes, it has! The win has been pipped away from Rod Rum yet again by the previous Gold Cup winner of 2016 Pineau de Perree!!!!"

It's Pineau de Perree the 28-1 bet tipped by the Editor of KH&MS (For those that read the form guide ;) ) and Rod Rum with a mixed emotional finish of what could have been vs respectable 2nd, Karen Oddie in 3rd and finally Newport Pagnell in 4th for the final pay out position for Each way Bets.

What a fantastic and eventful race. Same time next year? 

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