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Someone dropped the 'C' Bomb!

Ugly scenes erupted earlier today as someone dropped the 'C' bomb on a Kings Hill social media page, otherwise known as the 'Church'.

All was well, in the loving close community of Kings Hill that often live in harmony together, with the likes of charity collections, giveaways and Future Boy offering to pull people out of the snow. It seems nothing is missing and neither incomplete in this bubbly place they call a bubble.

Alas, not today.

On one side we had Mr R Dawkins & co claiming “I don’t need religion to make me a good person thank you very much, and it isn’t a missing mystery jigsaw piece from our community either”. 

On the other, various peaceful Church forgiving folk we'll call Annie Lennox and Co, absolutely ripped into residents that dared question ye old faith which pretty much erupted into an underlying Religion vs Atheism pitch fork fight. 

It's nice to see that religion doesn't cause unrest and fights after all. Wait a minute? Damn it.

After the storm calmed, eventually, some sensible polling options were presented along with some sarcastic ones too. Some confusion may have been experienced on what one mean't exactly as red mist from the previous fight was still obviously in the air.

After some good suggestions of alternatives to the Church arose, including one resident Mrs K Oddie, a keen bird watcher, suggested a nature reserve where birds can present their best singing auditions to the amusement of enthusiastic bystanders; it was perceived the firm favourite for the hill by a long way (85 vs 30 vs 13....) is a skatepark. 

This does however bring debate of 'Are we rewarding the little shits for vandalising our community, ripping up trees, causing another £5k on cameras just because they haven't got anything to do?" We've always been taught never to start negotiating with terrorists! 

So perhaps we'll move to option 2, an outdoor fitness area? No.... the youths would vandalise that.

A statue of Rod? Grotbags would never allow it.

Ah fuck it. Leave the Tennis courts there.

Good night! 

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