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  • Writer's pictureChief Editor

Charity Fund set up for Snowball Children

Residents were disgusted at such outrageous accusations earlier this week, that an innocent looking group of children could not only possibly be grown men/youths, but perhaps even...... BUILDERS!!

We have therefore seen fit, to begin a charity to aid the young boys with toys, gifts and appropriate colourful snow attire so they can have fun, like the rest of the children without having judgement cast on them.

Here is a message from the Chief Editor with the 'Just Giving' page here. [Click to Donate]

"I was deeply saddened to see cruel and accusing comments on social media about a group of children simply throwing snowballs at innocent people, houses, windows and the elderly. This group, clearly appear to me like an innocent caring bunch of young boys. Perhaps no older than 9 or 10 years old?

Just because one was wearing dirty clothes and a Hi-Viz jacket, somebody cruelly suggested they could be...... A BUILDER! I cried at my laptop for 20 minutes at how some people can even stoop so low with such mean suggestions.

The young boys, albeit quite tall, broad and with some abnormal facial hair for their age is absolutely no reason to assume they are grown men or youths. The eyes can be very deceiving, and Waitrose humous/couscous/quinoa foods these days can contribute to growth spurts.

I would like funds distributed to this group so they can buy some toys, sledges and appropriate Snow 'fun' colourful clothing from Decathalon so they can have fun in peace, without deformation of character.


Ronald - Chief Editor of"

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