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Can anyone recommend a plumber....

Yes. Yes we can. Do you know why?

Because every 6x FUCKING posts on local Kings Hill Community pages is asking the same thing, and guess what? People answer them with their recommendations, and it's all there to see if you simply type 'plumber' in the [search this page] box!

It's now clear that we have a set of residents amongst us forming a sabotage group, who intend purely on devaluing the community page.

We believe from sources the group run a rival page, and their splinter cell is named 'The Wet Bandits'. They move around from community page to community page, liquidating each one with an unbelievable amount of repeated questions of 'Can anyone recommend a plumber'? This is their call sign.

We are appealing for any IT guru's to step forward that have knowledge of IP Address tracking.

The Wet Bandits must be stopped so that order is restored on all facebook community pages, not just Kings Hill, West Malling or Kent, but globally.

If you have your suspicions, please email us in private.

If you display your thoughts in public, we cannot promise that you shall not be castrated, stoned to death, tarred & feathered or similar lambastation's especially if you believe it has connections with the 'The Anti-Horticultural Rip up Trees' gang, or fellow teen groups whom residents support the freeness of their expressiveness vandalism natures.

Have you seen these posts?

Do you recognise the offending 'facebook posters'?

Do you recognise the Wet Bandits artist impression below?

The Wet Bandits of Kings Hill.

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