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Public Enquiry called for Kings Hill #FenceGate Scandal

If you haven't heard of #FenceGate, you soon will do as this public enquiry gets under way.

Earlier this week during the local shenanigans of Halloween Trick or Treating, everything seemed fine and dandy amongst the Kings Hillians until a couple of negative episodes came to light.

One being egg throwing from the youth that have a disliking for egg based food products. (See previous article), and one being the emerging #FenceGate scandal.

A local resident who wishes to remain anonymous, has called upon local councillors Grot Bags or Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers for a public enquiry into how her green fence became damaged on Halloween night.

The resident doesn't live on a through road, and the fence is neither built on the road or on any car parking spaces.

"There is no reason whatsoever as to why someone would need to drive into my fence" claimed the owner.

We called the local PCSO, Windy, to see if there was any eye witnesses that may have stepped forward. Unfortunately Windy was unable for comment as she claimed she was thinking about a career move to Norwich and her mind wasn't in the right place today. (Don't tell her!)

Tom Petty did not answer our call.

We approached newly elected councillor Grotbags who immediately ruled herself out of the enquiry due to a conflict of interest.

"I'm obviously going to be thrown under the bus here as prime suspect. Yes, I have green skin but it's a different shade, and it is no way the same green paint from the fence. Yes I was out on my broom during the hours of 8 & 9pm but only for 12 minutes whilst I chased away a couple of BRATS who claimed to be 11 years old, but were actually 13. I clearly stated I DO NOT give sweets out to Brats older than 12 because I love the little brats and want people to know it!"

#FenceGate is likely to be around us for a while, so if you can help in anyway, or know anyone that has seen a dark Olive Green paint mark on your neighbours car. Get in touch anonymously as you could be in for a reward.

Please share this article as we are officially appealing for assistance in this case.

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