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Neighbours not pulling their weight on Global Warming

I've recently noticed there is a clear imbalance of effort between my household and my neighbours.

Over the last week, we have helped deposit 2 whole wheelie bins of glass wine bottles, several Corona clear glass bottles and multiple recyclable Magners cans from the summer hot spell of 2 weeks that we had.

I couldn't help notice that my neighbours put out their green bin with just a measly copy of Which magazine, a can of baked beans and whilst bumping into them over at the Asda car park, I noticed just 4 poxy jam jars going in the clear white bank! What a bloody disgrace!

Listen people, I cant help global warming on my own. Let's pull together and make some effort.

If you spot your neighbours lacking in support, perhaps encourage them by inviting them over for a drink. Be sociable, show them the way.


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