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That's why Kerry went to Iceland

An Ashford Iceland store has today announced, enough is enough by closing its rear doors.

Store bosses have allowed theft to continue for over 72 years before suddenly twigging, "damn, its the rear doors open that's allowing gypo mums to wander through and help themselves!"

Kerry K (surname protected) said "I'm never going to Iceland again. I used to go at least once a week and everyone knows I'm fond of the back doors. I never use the front entrance wherever I go, even if it's the first time I've gone somewhere new"

Kerry shall be shopping for her icing sugar and benefit bagels elsewhere from now on.

The current store Boss has been awarded a 2 star initiative badge for poirot like investigative skills. "Its this kind of new era of out the freezer attitude we want to encourage" said UK managing director Mr Frosty.

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