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Left Winger Activists' Head Explodes

A Kent Chinese restaurant has caused uproar at it's latest job advert by stating, it would prefer to pay for what we assume is a pretty, easy on the eye young lady between the ages of 20 and 30 to welcome it's diners before partaking in the passing of food.

As opposed to an old oily Whitstable fisherman, or un-groomed Chinese bloke with sugar puffs as teeth.

"It's not the first time this has happened!" said local resident Jeremy Dogood. "Albeit, the last time uproar like this happened it was previous owners, so it must be a case of those damn Chinese lot and their multi cultural ways!"

However, it wasn't all straight forward upset. Local left wing human rights activist Diane Russell is currently being treated for a medium head explosion.

She was being interviewed by a rival News Channel, stating how she wanted people to respect non-english cultures and how it was so damned ignorant and racist to expect everyone to live the same way.

Then, upon realising this is perhaps the Chinese culture to simply state exactly what staff they're looking for, her head began to swell. Diane was getting sweaty and slightly cherry coloured. 

"She just seemed to grasp that what she was actually saying contradicted her beliefs. Her head made a crackling noise and then BOOM!"

We wish Diane well.

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