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1502 Likes thrown away without a care

Social media was aghast this morning when yet another patron of Swan Street Cafe arrived for a morning Latte and Croissant, only to find it's a shadow of it's previous self. Closed and empty.

"Someone on Facebook said they went there on the 30th for coffee!?"

A nearby church has offered a support group to comfort those in complete disarray.

The owners have actually taken over nearby Offham pub 'The Kings Arms' making fantastic improvements, including hot water, paint, and smiley staff.

"I think it's fantastic. I can now take a dump, wash my hands and feel smugly hygienic before tucking into my scotch egg" said one local reveller.

However, it begs the question why the business owners didn't expand their portfolio and keep on the popular cafe as well as the pub. Was it not making money? Would life be too stressful running two enterprises? Or perhaps the racketeers controlling the Hair Dressing and Estate Agent business' had something to say about the cafe's location.....

1502 likes - RIP.

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