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Rod, Emu & Grotbags for KH Council

Kings Hill is suddenly reliving the national referendum once again because it simply wasn't torn apart enough already.

This time, we hope families are torn apart so much that local KH Chairman gets to capitalise from more house sales or rentals in the aftermath of homes splitting in two. Genius. (Evil laugh).

Local residents will soon cast their vote at the ballot boxes for which candidate they detest most, to under take the pointless task of having no say whatsoever on local issues within the Kings Hill Council committee.

Things started to get a little tasty this week, as Rod, one candidate who runs his own community Facebook Page, was accused of not allowing posts from Grotbags, the other candidate.

Rod commented "This is my platform, which I choose to use for my campaign, and Mrs Bags has her own in way of the local shop front".

Allegedly, one voter seemingly pro Rod, accused Grotbags of disliking kids, with evidence of an actual sign in her shop window stating 'No Brats allowed, but Crocs are welcome'.

"It simply isnt true" said Mrs Bags, "I don't mind Brats at all".

Most importantly, do not forget to vote. We support democracy, and encourage everyone to use their given right.

Good luck to Rod & Grotbags.

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